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OCR: Figure 11 Fundamental IDI, Attributes Strinigs and arrays, Keyword Description Istring) Specifies that this pointer is a null-terminated string. Specifies the number of cleinents ih an array. max.is]. Specifies the maximum valid index in an array length_ial Specifies the number of elements used in an array, first_is Specifics the index of the first, clement used in an array Specifies the index of the last element used in an array, Specifies that a parameter is only to be marshaled from the client to the server. Specifies that a parameter is only to be marshaled from the server back to the client. Help Information Keyword Description hetofilol :: A help file containing a help topic about the block: helpcontext. The context number of the heip topic. helpstring} A nar line description for an item that appears in ghject browsers thet, vieof the type library Pointers Keyword Description Signifies a'refercher pointer (eurinot habuilly [unique! Signifies a parque pointer (enn be null). Signifies a full pointer (checks for duplicates). Interfaces Keyword Description (tuid} A universally, unique identifier. Synonymous with a GUID, and required for libraries, interfaces, and coclasses: ibrary Creates a typu librety. Specifics a module (DL.I.T. nterface Specifies an RPC, interfacet unless the [object] attribute is present, in which case it is a COM interface. object| Specifies that the interface isito he a COM interface. Idual Specifies that the interface is to expose a stable interface and a dispinterface. dispinterface Specifies an I Dispatch logical inter face. Specifies & COM cines and all of the sitter faces that it implements. importlib Importa one type library into another. STDOLE. TLB contains all'of the standard OLE definitions. import Acts like an #include, but for IDL files entry". Method entry point for a module. propgetl' Specifies a propertygetting function. [propput] Specifies a property-setting function. Keyword Description local Suppresses the generation of networking code for this method. cpp_quote Places text directly into the header file generated for the prokeyystub. sources Specifies an event source :